
Defined in <stapl/containers/graph/generators/torus_3D.hpp>

template<typename GraphView>  
GraphView make_torus_3D(size_t nx,size_t ny,size_t nz,bool bidirectional)


Generates an x-by-y-by-z 3D torus.

The generated torus will have x vertices in the horizontal direction, y vertices in the vertical direction, and z vertices in the in-out direction. This is distributed n/p in the z-direction, where n = xyz.

The returned view owns its underlying container.


  • nx: Size of the x-dimension of the torus.
  • ny: Size of the y-dimension of the torus.
  • nz: Size of the z-dimension of the torus.
  • bidirectional: True to add back-edges in a directed graph, false for forward edges only.


A view over the generated graph.


  using view_type = stapl::graph_view<stapl::multidigraph<int>>;

  auto v = stapl::generators::make_torus_3D<view_type>(16, 8, 16, true);

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